速報APP / 教育 / Colors by Number

Colors by Number



檔案大小:3.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Colors by Number(圖1)-速報App

Colors by Number is an iPad application created by and for creative professionals, educators, artists, architectural and interior designers, textile designers, color specialists and developers – to complement the use of color in the mediums and applications of their choice – in the studio, the office, at home and beyond. At the same time, it’s a fun and effective teaching tool for introducing students to the nuances of color theory and its application as an immediate, personal experience.

Colors by Number offers multiple means of viewing, editing, saving and exporting your selections from literally billions of unique color combinations displayed in (10) different geometric forms* through an intuitive and customizable interface.

The Colors by Number interface is divided into a central display area flanked by control panels that provide multiple options for viewing, defining, adjusting and managing selected color sets. Form – follows – function.

VIEW / SAVE (center panel)

• Cycle through billions of combinations of four colors generated in either Manual or Auto mode - set against your choice of three different background colors (gray, black or white)

• Toggle back and forth between (10) interchangeable geometric forms to view colors surrounding, adjoining and / or layered on top of one another

• Each design is comprised of four distinct color areas arranged and identified in numbered, overlapping layers

• Colors by Number is programmed such that no two colors can ever repeat within a given four-color combination

Colors by Number(圖2)-速報App

• Back and Forward buttons allow you to review your entire session history, one step at a time

• Eyedropper function for sampling and capturing colors generated in the central display panel; any of the colors in the resulting palette(s) can be selected and dropped onto individual color sliders in the right-hand control panel

• Option to hide left and / or right control panels (try hiding both control panels, select Auto mode, and see what happens next!)

• Save as many of your color selections as you like – for editing, printing, sharing or exporting for use in other applications

SELECT / ADJUST (right-hand panel)

• All color values are defined in RGB, HSB and Hexadecimal color models including alpha channel (transparency) values

• Adjust individual color values - either by direct text input or by adjusting slider controls - changes are reflected in real time, in color blocks associated with controls and in the main (center) display area

Colors by Number(圖3)-速報App

• Any number of the four colors in a given form can be locked to prevent that color (or colors) from changing - by tapping once on its corresponding small color block; tapping again unlocks the color(s)

• Tapping twice on a small color block in the right-hand control panel brings up a Visual Color Selector where you can choose to edit or replace an eisting color

• "Info" iconprovides access to Colors by Number's video tutorial, web site, blog and social network pages

EDIT / MANAGE / EXPORT (left-hand panel)

• View your entire session-specific history recorded from generated color / form selections, slider adjustments, text inputs or saved palette / form retrievals

• Store an unlimited number of selections in a Library that can be retrieved even after the app has been quit and restarted; color selections stored in the Library include dates created and last modified

• Print multiple selections with color data and associated thumbnail images to AirPrint-enabled printers

• Edit: review, add, delete or modify your Saved and Library selections at any time

Colors by Number(圖4)-速報App

• Export multiple, saved color selections as Adobe Swatch Exchange (ASE) or Image files; all selections exported via email include thumbnail images with numbered color areas and color data including aplha channel values

*Each of the (10) geometric forms is based on a unique grid system precisely drawn by Keith Lovell to the proportions of the Golden Section

Colors by Number(圖5)-速報App
